Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Truth to Reveal ~

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
~ 2 Corinthians 12:9 ~

My Bride ~

I have Truth to Reveal to those among My Bride ...

There are area's of My power I desire to move and be free in that will shock many within My Church. So be strong ...

Be bold and continue learning in Me the foundation that has been built under you to stand on and proclaim My Words and flow in My manifesting power. Where I Am taking you there is no standing still watching but participation. For I Am God ... who moves upon My Children for action with no hesitation!

Lovingly Father God ~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fire of Acceptance ~

"The Lord gave the Word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it ..." Psalm 68:11 ~

My Bride ~

My Fire of acceptance comes to receive your sacrifice of self ...

My Spirit births forth something new and fresh within you and upon you. It is all My Grace.
Stretch forward into it ... reach My Precious Bride ... it only comes to you as you hunger for deeper understanding of My will and My way.

My Spirit confirms My Word!
My Spirit will make room for My Word ... so speak it forth!

I receive your sacrifice of everything you hold dear as who you are; striping you of your confidence and pouring upon you ...

... ALL of MINE!

Lovingly Father God ~