Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There is a Rest for My People ~

"My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation in secure dwellings and in quiet resting places."
Isaiah 32:18 ~

My Bride ~

Come ride upon the clouds with Me ...
Ride upon the wind of My Spirit that carries you into the heavenly places ...
Ride upon the waters renewing you with a fresh anointing that will strengthen and prepare you to ride within My Presence.

Come spend time with Me in prayer ... and hunger and thrist for My Righteousness.

Lovingly Father God ~

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ascribe Greatness to Me ~

"Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of My mouth. Let My teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew. As raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass. For I proclaim the name of the Lord: Ascribe greatness to our God."
Deuteronomy 32:1-3 ~

My Bride ~

Proclaim the Name of your Lord:
The Rock ...
His Work is perfect ...
All His ways are Justice ...
Jesus is the Lord's Name !
Represent My Son !
Bless Me My Bride ... Before ALL the assembly ...
I AM ALL Power and Glory ...
I AM ALL Victory and Majesty !
Ascribe Greatness to Me.

Lovingly Father God ~

Monday, January 12, 2009

Listen and Hear ~

"He who has ears to hear ... let him hear!" Matthew 11:15

My Bride ~

Be still and be sensitive to the moving of My Spirit ...

My Precious Bride, it is only by My Spirit that you will know whether to intercede in prayer or decree. Only by My Spirit will you discern attacks against you and to know when and how to fight the enemy of your soul.

By My Spirit ... you will worship ...

By My Spirit ... you will know when to be silent and when to listen ...

All I Am is All you need to understand ... to overcome ... to break through every situation and circumstance into victory.

So listen and you will hear for My Spirit is within you to believe.

Lovingly Father God ~

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Heart Matters ~

"Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins, and faithfulness the belt of His waist."
Isaiah 11:5 ~

My Bride ~

Do you see their sin ...
Or ...
Do you hear their need?

Repentance and surrendered lives are matters of the heart and My Righteousness.

My delight is in their awe of Me and the obedient heart. I judge not by the sight of the eye or decide by the hearing of the ear ...

But with My Righteousness of Heart!

I will strike the earth with the rod of My Mouth and the breath of My Lips to slay the wicked but those who call upon Me in repentance and a surrendered heart ...

Will be saved!

Lovingly Father God ~

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rend the Heavens ~

"Oh that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence..."
Isaiah 64 :1

My Bride ~

Your oppression is over ...

I give you beauty for ashes ... a joyous blessing ...

Festive praise instead of despair! For it is within your righteousness you will be like a great oak. I have planted you for My Glory!

Instead of shame and dishonor you will enjoy a double share of My Honor - for I AM Justice.

I will faithfully reward you for your suffering. We have an everlasting covenant between us. What has been taken from you I will bless back double to you.

So speak forth ...
Walk forth ...
Your steps are ordered by Me.

Lovingly Father God ~

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Consider ~

"Plead my cause and redeem me... Revive me according to Your Word."
Psalm 119:154

My Bride ~

There are many things I desire of you to bring you completion...

We will have many early times together as you submit more and more to Me of yourself.

Line upon line... precept upon precept...

You will grow with such a great understanding of My Words. They will be the intimate part of your voice. You will diligently keep My precepts with your whole heart. I Am changing you into My Image...


Lovingly Father God ~